keppra generic name

keppra generic name

Keppra Generic Name: What You Need to Know
If you or someone you know has been prescribed Keppra, it’s important to understand what the generic name of this medication is. Generic names can help you identify the active ingredient in a drug and may be used in place of the brand name when purchasing medication.

What is the generic name for Keppra?

The generic name for Keppra is levetiracetam. Levetiracetam is an anticonvulsant medication that is used to treat seizures in people with epilepsy. It works by decreasing abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

FAQs about Keppra generic name:

  • Is levetiracetam the same as Keppra?
  • No, levetiracetam is the generic name for Keppra. Keppra is the brand name of the medication.

  • Can I use levetiracetam instead of Keppra?
  • Yes, levetiracetam is the same medication as Keppra. If your doctor prescribes Keppra, you can ask for the generic version, levetiracetam, at the pharmacy.

  • Is levetiracetam as effective as Keppra?
  • Yes, levetiracetam is just as effective as Keppra in treating seizures. Both medications contain the same active ingredient.

Knowing the generic name of your medication can help you communicate more effectively with healthcare providers and pharmacists. It can also save you money, as generic versions of drugs are usually less expensive than brand-name versions. If you have any questions about your medication, be sure to ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.

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