Developing a Love for the Arts in Children

Developing a Love for the Arts in Children

Art plays a vital role in child development more than we think. Besides honing their creativity and imagination, it can also improve their motor skills, especially the use of their hands. Developing skills in children does not only happen in school. First and foremost, the home is the first place that kids learn. If parents incorporate art into the everyday routine of children, sooner or later they can see their kids’ love for the arts, be it visual art, music, etc. 

Art as a communication tool


Children use art to express their feelings. You can usually see them making things out of different materials that portray their emotions. Art is an effective psychosocial tool. Some medical experts monitor children’s mental well-being, especially those who experienced trauma and other mental health issues. Medical experts can better understand a child’s well-being thru the art that they make. Children with disabilities can also benefit from art, whether to express their feelings or to develop their motor and social skills. 

At what age should a child dabble in art?

Many psychologists believe that art is for everyone of any age, but it is most beneficial for very young children because their brains absorb more information; hence it is easier for them to develop their artistic skills. Their brains accept what is taught to them more voluntarily.

Stages in child development

There are various stages in a child’s development: the pre-school years are for the development of their motor skills: how to hold a writing instrument the right way, improving balance and coordination, etc. This is the stage when they enjoy the process of creating more than the outcome. The kindergarten stage is when children develop their skill for story-telling. They use their artworks to create stories from their imagination. This stage already develops their motor skills, and they show more interest in what they do because they can do it well.

Types of art that children can engage in

  • Music is an effective tool for developing a child’s sensory, intellectual, and auditory skills. They can improve their singing and dancing skills as well. Famous singers and dancers started their craft when they were still young children.
  • Literature helps children develop their imagination, language, and cognitive skills. When you read to children, their imagination runs wild, and they also learn new words and their meanings. They may even develop a knack for writing.
  • Drawing and painting develop a child’s psychological maturity and personality. They can also boost a child’s confidence. Enrolling a child in an art class among other children will improve their social skills. 
  • Theatre art is one form where children can develop their social, language, cognitive, and sensory skills. They can meet other children of different age groups as well as adults with whom they can interact. This helps them develop their self-confidence.

During this time when everyone is at home riding out this pandemic, is the best time to engage children in different art forms. They get to develop their skills, their parents can take them away from screens even for just a few hours a day, and the whole family can use this time to strengthen their bond with their children.

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