Is Collecting Vintage an Art?

Is Collecting Vintage an Art?

We’ve already established that personal fashion is a form of artistic expression. It showcases the wearer’s creativity and also reflects their personality. Their fashion represents what they believe in and promotes their lifestyle for others to see and hopefully emulate. For a particular section of fashionistas, they love looking for vintage fashion pieces to add to their collections. They also use them from time to time during suitable events that would highlight their interest in such high-end fashion of the yesteryears. 

Who would have thought that these vintage (sometimes thrift store) finds would cause a stir in the fashion world? There are different eras and designers whose collections remain desirable through the years. Fashionistas who love to scour vintage clothing stores would do great to educate themselves about the various designers and how to care for such vintage finds. 

If you’re one of those who love vintage fashion and accessories, here are a few reminders to guide you in growing your collection.

Define the goal for your collection

Do you want to buy dresses, shirts, or pantsuits? Or do you prefer scouring for period-correct accessories that you could pair with your fashion finds? First, as a serious collector, you need to define what your collection would look like. Then, try to narrow it down because the world of fashion is vast, and you don’t want to get overwhelmed. 

Educate yourself about vintage clothing

Define what is vintage for you. Several brands label their collection as vintage but are newer releases. Don’t be fooled, so try to educate yourself about it. Look for the label and the care tag. Stay away from clothes that were sourced from other countries because they are a more recent release. Also, care tags only appeared in 1971, so be wary of buying pieces with them. 

Examine the condition

You want to examine every inch of your vintage finds. Tiny tears and rips that aren’t that noticeable would be alright. However, if the damage is too extensive, you can still ask a seamstress to work on it. As long as the structure isn’t compromised and it still looks good enough, you should consider buying it. However, once you alter the material and design, the piece loses a bit of its value

Look at the craftsmanship

One of the giveaways of a vintage piece are the details. Designers loved incorporating hand-beading, embroidery, and fine lace patterns in their collections. You should also look if the clothing has an inner lining because that’s one of the best details that would confirm the provenance of your item. 

Vacation Suitcase

Learn about caring for vintage pieces

Vintage clothing needs extra care. You don’t hang them in your closet haphazardly or throw them in the washer. If you do that, your piece would more probably get destroyed quickly. You’ll need to use padded hangers for your pieces to prevent stress on the shoulders. You also need to use garment bags to prevent moisture from damaging the fabric. Choose a dry cleaner specializing in caring for vintage pieces if you cannot handwash your clothes. 

Final thoughts

Collecting and styling with vintage clothing is a fun way of expressing your creativity. Of course, you need to educate yourself about the proper selection, care, and storage of such finds, but it will be an incredible journey that will help you understand more about fashion and the yesteryears. 

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