Many of us are now staying at home learning new skills, online courses have risen in popularity that a South African organization has created a very timely program called ‘Biomimicry.’ It may sound as intriguing as the lost library of Hernando Columbus, but it will help to shed light and offer a tangible and sudden impact to the lives we now live. The program is aimed at helping everyone navigate through this intense moment of change.
What Is Biomimicry?
Biomimicry is an online course created by Biomimicry South Africa together with ReWild Africa. It will help people reshape their lives by mimicking systems found in nature itself. The online course offers imitation of the systems and models of nature for the sole purpose of solving various complex human issues. This can provide anyone sufficient answers to the most pressing questions we have been antsy to ask for centuries now. The program is available for the global audience, this will help them shift their attitudes and mindsets towards a better socially and environmentally sustainable days ahead.

The Online Course
Biomimicry offers 3 online courses and it can be done from any remote device. It is recommended for a 1 to 2 weeks each course. It starts with an overview and introduction to the biomimicry practice and builds on a more complex and in-depth topic.
The extensive knowledge and research on the subject has motivated the launch of the platform with an aim to urge others to adopt and share their very passion for change. It utilizes models and systems from nature and how exactly we can use it as our own measure, model, and mentor in establishing a regenerative future for humankind.
Biomimicry Classes
The masterclass delves on the application of biomimicry at a global scale and how it can disrupt thought processes, with the power to remake and reshape the future for a sustainable change.
With the massive downtime we have in our hands allowing us a chance to carefully assess our lifestyles and rethink what the future holds, we all must acknowledge the fact that there are people out there who find themselves in rather extreme circumstances that were aggravated by the worldwide pandemic caused by COVID-19.
Let us take individual responsibility to share and spread resources, provide help where it is needed, and reduce disparity from various corners of the world. As we educate ourselves on how the natural ecosystems work, we can better understand the connections we have with our society and work towards a stronger global community.
The Outtakes
Biomimicry can help us all achieve a brand new socio-economic system by providing us the model and mindset to follow, and the inherent optimism for transformation for the better. This online program encourages home and positivity, working not only on how this mindset can impact businesses and industries, but also the enlightenment it can offer each one of us personally.
Every day, there are new ways we see that help us create a sense of courage that motivates us to wake up and get up each day, push ourselves beyond what is now and create a better, well-adapted tomorrow.
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